The Presidents of the United States of America from George Washington to George W. Bush  
President Party Term as President Vice-President
1. George Washington (1732-1799) None 1789-1797 John Adams
2. John Adams (1735-1826) Federalist 1797-1801 Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr
3. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) Democrat-Republican 1801-1809 George Clinton
4. James Madison (1751-1836) Democrat-Republican 1809-1817 Elbridge Gerry
5. James Monroe (1751-1836) Democrat-Republican 1817-1825 Daniel Tompkins
6. John Quincy Adams (1767-1848) Democrat-Republican 1825-1829 John Calhoun
7. Andrew Jackson (1767-1848) Democrat 1829-1837 John Calhoun, Martin van Buren
8. Martin van Buren (1782-1862) Democrat 1837-1841 Richard Johnson
9. William H. Harrison (1773-1841) Whig 1841 John Tyler
10. John Tyler (1790-1862) Whig 1841-1845 .
11. James K. Polk (1795-1849) Democrat 1845-1849 George Dallas
12. Zachary Taylor (1784-1850) Whig 1849-1850 Millard Fillmore
13. Millard Fillmore (1800-1874) Whig 1850-1853 .
14. Franklin Pierce (1804-1869) Democrat 1853-1857 William King
15. James Buchanan (1791-1868) Democrat 1857-1861 John Breckinridge
16. Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) Republican 1861-1865 Hannibal Hamlin, Andrew Johnson
17. Andrew Johnson (1808-1875) National Union 1865-1869 .
18. Ulysses S. Grant (1822-1885) Republican 1869-1877 Schuyler Colfax
19. Rutherford Hayes (1822-1893) Republican 1877-1881 William Wheeler
20. James Garfield (1830-1881) Republican 1881 Chester Arthur
21. Chester Arthur (1829-1886) Republican 1881-1885 .
22. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) Democrat 1885-1889 Thomas Hendriks
23. Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901) Republican 1889-1893 Levi Morton
24. Grover Cleveland (1837-1908) Democrat 1893-1897 Adlai Stevenson
25. William McKinley (1843-1901) Republican 1897-1901 Garret Hobart, Theodore Roosevelt
26. Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) Republican 1901-1909 Charles Fairbanks
27. William Taft (1857-1930) Republican 1909-1913 James Sherman
28. Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924) Democrat 1913-1921 Thomas Marshall
29. Warren Harding (1865-1923) Republican 1921-1923 Calvin Coolidge
30. Calvin Coolidge (1872-1933) Republican 1923-1929 Charles Dawes
31. Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) Republican 1929-1933 Charles Curtis
32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945) Democrat 1933-1945 John Garner, Henry Wallace, Harry Truman
33. Harry Truman (1884-1972) Democrat 1945-1953 Alben Barkley
34. Dwight Eisenhower (1890-1963) Republican 1953-1961 Richard Milhous Nixon
35. John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1917-1963) Democrat 1961-1963 Lyndon Johnson
36. Lyndon Johnson (1908-1973) Democrat 1963-1969 Hubert Humphrey
37. Richard Milhous Nixon (1903-1994) Republican 1969-1974 Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford
38. Gerald Ford (1913- ) Republican 1974-1977 Nelson Rockefeller
39. Jimmy Carter (1924- ) Democrat 1977-1981 Walter Mondale
40. Ronald Reagan (1911- ) Republican 1981-1989 George H. W. Bush
41. George H. W. Bush (1924- ) Republican 1989-1993 Dan Quayle
42. William Jefferson Clinton (1946- ) Democrat 1993-2001 Al Gore
43. George W. Bush (1946- ) Republican 2001- Richard Cheney