European Union :

Watch this film  and try to remember as many things as you can.

Now play the EU game.

Learn more with this quiz.

Play a variety of games to test yourself about Europe.

HOW EUROPEAN ARE YOU?                                          Here are the questions you have chosen :

  1. What is the most widespread mother tongue in Europe? (German)
  2. When was the European Union created  ?
  3. What was the EU first known as ?
  4. What countries signed the treaty of Rome ?(France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)
  5. What do the 12 stars symbolize?
  6. What is the European motto?
  7. What are the purposes of Europe? (to promote trade and free movement within member states, to make a greener Europe,  to give aid, to get justice and equality for all)
  8. How many members are there in the European Union today?
  9. What did the council of Europe create the Day of European languages for ?
  10. When  is  Europe Day celebrated?
  11. Who is the composer of the the European anthem?
  12. What countries is the United-Kingdom made up of ?
  13. What is the highest mountain in Europe?
  14. What is the political system in Portugal?
  15. What is the capital of Finland ?
  16. What is the capital of Romania ?
  17. what is the capital of cyprus?
  18. What is the capital of the Netherlands ?
  19. What is the capital of Latvia?
  20. What is the capital of the Czech republic?         
  21. In Spain, What is the most important city after Madrid ?
  22. What colours is the greek flag made up of ?
  23. What is the currency of POLAND ?
  24. What is the currency of Denmark?
  25. Who is the Austrian president?
  26. What does a pet need to travel  in Europe?
  27. How many islands Malta is made up of ?
  28. When did Sweden enter  the European Union?
  29. Where is the best university in Europe ?
  30. According to a Eurobarometer survey, which of the following countries has the happiest citizens? (The Netherlands)

 Homework for Friday, September 18 :

 Make a poster (A3) with the main facts ( to be presented in class),

prepare an oral presentation+ a 5-question quiz  .

Les quiz sont à envoyer par mail le 18 septembre au plus tard:

Configuration du quiz

Questions  non numérotée

Réponses numérotées a. b. c . d.

Mettre la bonne réponse en caractères gras


Choose one of the following themes

1) History of the European Union

2) Purpose

3) Flag + Motto + anthem

4) Day of European languages

5) Europe day

6) Currency (Euros in your pocket)

7) The council of Ministers

8) The Commission

9) The European Parliament

10)The European Court of Justice

11) Travelling in Europe

12) Studying in Europe

13) The geography of Europe

or ...Present one of the 27 member countries ( date of entry, geographical situation, surface, population, density, flag, language spoken,motto, one or two traditions, typical food, + anything you find appropriate)

Help : EU members and when they joined:

1952   Belgium,  France,  Germany (14), Italy (15) , Luxembourg (16) ,

(17) Netherlands

1973 (18) Denmark, (19) Ireland, (20) United Kingdom

1981 (21) Greece

1986 (22) Portugal, (23) Spain

1995 (24) Austria, (25) Finland, (26) Sweden

2004 (27) Cyprus, (28) Czech Republic, (29) Estonia, (30) Hungary, (31) Latvia,

(32) Lithuania, (33) Malta, (34) Poland, (35) Slovakia, (36) Slovenia

2007 (37) Bulgaria, (38) Romania