Diversity and inclusion
Presentations :
Present and explain your findings to the class in a clear, logical and understandable way to the class, with a poster or powerpoint presentation.( NO PREZI ALLOWED)
Send your powerpoint presentation , avant le 7 AVRIL midi on ecole directe : " travail à rendre" à la date du 8 avril
Si hors délais vous passerez sans powerpoint et ne bénéficierez pas des points associés.
Take turns to speak ( around 3 minutes per person) , Each of you must develop REAL arguments or themes methodically
( making only an introduction or a conclusion will not be considered an active participation in the group presentation).
Write the most important facts on the board or show them on the poster or powerpoint.
20 words in notes, not one more. You cannot read the powerpoint if there are more than 20 words on it.
Have a look at the other groups' tasks to make sure you are not "encroaching on their territory."
After your presentation you will have to send 6 relevant quiz questions about your group presentation (and their answers) with the following link :
If relevant, your questions will be used in a test (MCQ), if not, the teacher will use her own.
You are allowed to communicate your questions and their answers to the other groups.
Group 1 : immigration vocabulary, Green card and U visa.
Go to these websites :
Explain to the class the words used to refer to US citizens and immigrants : Citizen, naturalized citizen, legal permanent resident, illegal alien, undocumented immigrant.
Explain clearly what a greencard is
and the conditions you must meet to become a US citizen.
Give information about the document(s) you must fill and the cost and the test(s) you must take.
Explain what a U visa is.
Find about the cost of each procedure.
Group 1 bis : Refugees, deportations, US immigrant legislations and rights today.
"Anyone who seeks and is approved for refugee status in the United States must first go through a rigorous security screening process." —Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson
Give a definition of the word " refugee" and explain the process to be accepted in the US as one.
Compare Obama's and Trump's policies to refugees, and Biden's so far.
When/why are people deported out of the US?
Explain what "ICE" is.
Group 2 : Melting-pot and Salad bowl and acculturation
Explain the origin of the term “melting pot” :
What does it mean? Where does the expression come from? Is this concept true today?
Why do people tend to refer to the phrase “salad bowl” now? How different is it from a melting pot? Illustrate and justify your answer with precise examples.
Find other metaphores to refer to assimilation.
Read these articles and summarize the different views of assimilation that are given. What is considered as a "factor of integration"?
Group 3 : Look at this map of the US and read the names of the States and major cities.
Find out about the different origins of some of these names here or here. or here
Explain the different origins of American names of cities and states, mountains, lakes, rivers....( no monuments please)
Choose relevant and interesting examples, Origin after origin for a more constructed presentation.
For example, start by giving examples of French language or culture in place names
then, Spanish language ( make a difference between Spain and Latin America) etc...
SAY What the names precisely refer to, and under what historical circumstances the names were given.
. Then create a matching exercise on your powerpoint in 3 columns with 10 place names on the left , the meaning in middle ( no French please) and their origin on the left.
You'll test the memory of the class.
Group 4 : Latino immigration : push and pull factors.
focus upon the different areas where Latinos are concentrated today here.
In terms of geography, history and politics, and economy, find why Hispanics choose to immigrate to the US.
Divide the reasons into :
- push factors ( they involve forces which act to drive people away from a place )
- and pull factors (what draws them to a new location.)
https://www.icivics.org/web-quests/immigration-citizenship?cck_pager_group_pages=1 ( you'll have to register)
Group 5 : Write a definition of “ The American dream”. What values does it embody?
Then present the story of 4 famous and inspiring immigrants to the USA who have fulfilled this dream and tell their story.
They must come from abroad and be American citizens today, tell us about when and how they got their American citizenship.
Find examples that will sound serious for your classmates to use at an exam.
Not Schwartzeneger, John Lennon or Bob Marley or any sportsperson. am soooo fed up with those examples. XD
Say why you think they have achieved the American dream.
Group 6 : The impact of immigration : Explain what positive influence immigration has on the USA. Classify your example in categories.
Compare people's preconceived ideas to reality. ( preconceived ideas debunked)
Group 7: The EU migrant crisis :
Explain the recent waves of migrants to Europe :
Their origin, the different reasons why they leave their countries of origin ( explain briefly the different conflicts they are fleeing)
Explain what different obstacles they have met so far, who welcomes whom or not, and their situation since the COVID crisis
Explain how many Ukrainians have fled their country and how they are welcome around the world.
Listening comprehension :train yourself
Listen to the doc 3 times,
write a recap about each interviewee
Format COBAC avec les beeps et les silences à télécharger ici.
le corrigé! (371.49 Ko)
Si vous voulez vous entraîner davantage :
an interesting report on the deportation of Mexicans.